Thursday, November 1, 2012

School in Ohio

The girls are doing great in school here.  Neither one of them have had any problems adjusting to their new surroundings.  They have really surprised me!  Ela had a little singing program and then they did a costume parade for Halloween.  She loves preschool!!!


Abbey loves, loves, loves Kindergarten and is doing so great!  She is already a little reader and I am amazed at how smart she is.  Ela likes to sit and do Abbey's reading with us and now Ela can read Abbey's first book.  I have a couple of little smarty-pants!!!  This is one of Abbey's writer's workshop papers, it is a picture of her and I on a boat, it reads... On Saturday we went on a bot (boat) together.  My cats did not like it at all.


  1. That is adorable. She is a really good writer. I think I mush share with my kids! Love you Abbs!

  2. Dallin wants to know if you have cats now?

  3. Haha!!! NO WAY! We do not have cats. :) Abbey must secretly want one, although she has never asked for one. Not sure where this story came from, we don't have cats and we did not go on a boat ride. :)
