Friday, August 10, 2012

Swim Lessons

Swim lessons are over for the summer and Abbey is looking forward to lessons next summer already.  She passed her swim test today and can advance to "goldfish" next year!  Abbey did great this summer and is quite the little fish now.  Ela did not like swim lessons and was happy when it was Tuesday/Thursday when she didn't have class and could go to the kiddie pool.  I tried bribing her every lesson to get in and participate with her class, but she wouldn't do it.

Stretching out before swimming.
One of the few times Ela actually got in the water!

 Abbey's favorite thing she learned during lessons... jumping in!  She loved going to the deep end and jumping in where she couldn't touch.  
 This is where Ela stayed pretty much every lesson.
 They can only go down the slide feet first so Ab's thought she was being creative going down on her back... looks so uncomfortable, but she loved it!

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