Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Ela

Ela is 4!!!  The few weeks leading up to her birthday she kept asking me if she was 4 yet.  I promised her I would let her know when her birthday was, but I guess she thought I would forget to tell her because she still asked me every day.  Of course, she had a fever the day before and the night leading up to her birthday.  This poor girl always gets sick at the most inconvenient times!  She did feel pretty good by the end of the day and had no fever all day on her birthday!  We celebrated at her restaurant of choice... Texas Roadhouse.  I wish I would have been in front of her for this picture, she looked like a scared deer and I don't think she even cracked a smile, but she did get her arm up for the big "YEEEEHAAAAH!!!"
We had a little party for her at the park by our "oldish-newish house" (The girls refer to our first duplex rental as the "old house," our beloved house we just sold and moved from in June as the "oldish-newish house" and the small apartment we now live in as the "new house.")  This is their favorite park in town and they were very happy to drive back through the "oldish-newish neighborhood."  It was pretty windy, so here is Ela pretending to blow out her candles.      

 These are the awesome "popsicles" the girls and I made for Ela's special day.  For those of you that know me well, you know that this was a very trying and patience-building activity for me to do with my children.  I was very glad when it was over and I could clean up :)  Remind me again why I bought a popsicle-cake maker?
Here are a few of the friends that came to celebrate with us.  It was a fun day and everyone had a great time!  We are so thankful to have our crazy little Ela-bean in our family!

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