Sunday, August 5, 2012


Eric and I took the girls to the Family Fun Night at Lambeau Field on Friday night.  Abbey kept trying to get Ela excited about going to a "real Packers game."
Cute little green and gold girls.  We stopped by Target on our way home from swim lessons to get Packers shirts.  Everyone knows you can't go to a fan night not wearing the teams colors!!! 
 The weather was perfect and we were on the shady side of the stadium...yay!  We got a huge thing of popcorn and the girls gobbled it up!
One of the highlights for the girls was watching the "WAVE" go around the stadium.  As you can see, Eric was very excited as well! :)  After the scrimmage meet was over, they had fireworks set to music.  It was very cool and a great way to end the night!  The girls were troopers and did so well for being up late... they even slept the whole way home!


  1. Leesa, these are great pictures. The "packer" theme caught you and the girls. Make sure they stay off the statues..... Luv U.
