Tuesday, September 4, 2012


My gorgeous girls on their first day of the school year!
 Ela started preschool today and was SO excited.  She has been such a good sport watching Abbey go to preschool for the past two years, but now it's her time!!!
Abbey started KINDERGARTEN today!!!  I really can't believe she is already starting school, but she has been ready for a while and I could not be more excited for her to take on this new adventure!  She has to have everything just so and we spent yesterday evening preparing so things would be in order.  We picked out her outfit, painted her nails to match her pink shirt, got all her paperwork together and planned out the rest of the weeks outfits.  After painting her nails, she had to put on her outfit and talk to herself in the mirror for a while.  She then carefully placed everything on the kitchen table exactly how she was going to put it back on... one sock and one shoe on each side of her shirt and pants.  ( I wish I would have taken a picture!)  She may or may not have a little OCD!  LOL!!  This is my gorgeous baby girl waiting for the bus.  Her favorite part of school is the bus ride so she was all smiles this morning!  
 Look  how small she is on those big steps!  I think she was about to say "Bye mom, I love you!" for the 20th time, it was so sweet.  I hope she still turns around to say this when she is a senior in high school!  I was so proud of her when she got on the bus all by herself with no tears!  We've had a history of separation anxiety and this really is a huge thing for her to do by herself.
 My  little girls are growing so fast and I am so proud of everything they are doing and the things they are learning.  We have our struggles but they are good girls, they really are!  I feel so very blessed to be their mom!
Funny story!!! We painted Abbey's nails last night and put glittery star stickers on her thumbs.  She loved them and was worried about the polish and stickers falling off before she got to school.  I put on two coats of clear polish to help it stay on longer... This morning at 5 AM Abbey came into my room sobbing.  When I asked her what was wrong she said she was worried her sticker had come off her thumb because she had been sucking it that night.  I tried to tell her it would be okay and I would fix everything in the morning.  It didn't help, she was so upset that we didn't have another matching sticker, and her thumbs had to be the same.  I promised her I would fix it in the morning and that I would not let her go to school upset.  Luckily she accepted and went back to sleep.  The first thing she said when she woke up at seven was, "mom, my sticker is still there!!!"  It got the morning off to a great start!